Frequently Asked Questions
You lucked out! What’s the Sign? Is actually geared for ASL students! The vocabulary covered inside the app is aligned with the majority of ASL textbooks nationwide. You’ll have to do the studying and the practicing, though. We’re rooting for you!
The content of the What’s the Sign? dictionary link provided inside the TRUE+WAY ASL textbook is similar to What’s the Sign? found here. The main difference is that this version of What’s the Sign? is mobile-friendly! Some students choose to purchase a subscription to What’s the Sign? in addition to their ASL textbook, which is absolutely fine.
Absolutely! What’s the Sign? is for everyone – from those just starting out, to certified, seasoned interpreters, children of Deaf adults, and more! We at What’s the Sign? are a fully-Deaf team and we often check the app for a sign here and there from time to time. Just like English, we look up words on a daily basis. It’s the same for ASL! Have this app handy, ready, at your fingertips for whenever you need to look up a sign!
Yes! Being fluent in a language doesn’t mean that you don’t need a dictionary in that language! Do you know the ASL sign for CRYPTOCURRENCY? Can you sign out all the different regional variations for CHEAT? Try our 3-day trial and see how many signs you learn from our dictionary!
What’s the Sign? is specifically for American Sign Language (ASL), which is used in the United States and Canada. It’s a good idea to seek out the Deaf community in your country and learn their sign language. Yes, there are hundreds of different sign languages all over the world! The United States and Canada also have quite a number of sign languages in addition to ASL as well. Examples include Plains Indian Sign Languages (PISL), Black ASL, Langue des signes du Québec (LSQ), Inuit Sign Language, Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM), and many more. Be sure to read: “When and How Did American Sign Language Originate? The Story Behind ASL” blog post.
If you’re an iOS user, you can download our iOS app from the App Store. For Android users, What’s the Sign? is available as a web app accessible through any web browser. Simply visit “” to access the web app. For added convenience, you can make the web app look and feel like a native app on your Android device by following the instructions linked here.
Yes! You can explore What’s the Sign? without paying upfront. We offer a selection of signs you can browse for free to get a feel for the ASL dictionary. Here’s how it works:
- Guest Users: As a guest, you can browse a limited number of signs, but your data won’t be saved. Signs marked “Pro” are premium, and selecting them will prompt you to subscribe for full access.
- Registered Users (No Subscription): With a free account, you can access the same limited content. When you tap on “Pro” signs, you’ll be given the option to subscribe for full access.
If you want to explore the entire dictionary, we also offer a three-day free trial, giving you access to all signs before the subscription begins.
If you’re having trouble accessing your subscription, try restoring it by following these steps:
- Go to the Account page.
- Click “Start Your Free Trial.”
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Restore” to sync your subscription.
If the issue continues, feel free to reach out to us at, and we’ll be happy to help!
The reason why What’s the Sign? is subscription-based because the team is constantly adding new content and updating current content in the dictionary. Your subscription helps the What’s the Sign? continue to create new and exciting content based on the latest linguistics research and community creations!
Yes! With our family subscription plan, available exclusively for the What’s the Sign? iOS app, you can share the Pro plan with up to five family members. Each member can access the app’s features and content on their own devices while benefiting from a single subscription payment.
To set up a family subscription, simply subscribe to the Pro plan through your Apple account and ensure that Family Sharing is enabled. Once activated, family members can download the What’s the Sign? iOS app and enjoy all its features.
You can easily view and manage the “Hide My Email” addresses you’ve created by going to the settings on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or There, you’ll see a list of the random email addresses you’ve set up. You can deactivate any addresses you no longer need or create new ones for different services.
For step-by-step instructions on finding your “Hide My Email” addresses on different devices, check out this this Apple Support page.
Unfortunately we don’t have a crystal ball. We don’t know what the pricing will be like in the future. The only way to ensure your price is “locked” in is by becoming – and staying – as a subscriber. This locks in your monthly/annual subscription fee.
To cancel your subscription, go to the Account page and click “Manage Subscription.” From there, follow these steps based on your subscription provider:
- Stripe: Clicking “Manage Subscription” will take you to Stripe’s portal, where you can cancel your subscription directly.
- Apple App Store or Google Play Store: The “Manage Subscription” button will direct you to your device’s subscription management section. You’ll see a list of all your app subscriptions, and you can cancel What’s the Sign? from the list.
Ooh! Great question. The What’s the Sign? team is working on a way to search for ASL signs – this exciting feature is coming soon!
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